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Winpossee in 2016 IPAS IRAN
Date:2016-10-29 15:26:32     Visits:1218 

Winpossee in 2016 IPAS IRAN


IPAS, The exhibition took place in the presence of 272 local and more than 255 brands from 31 countries for police, security and safety equipment in Imam Khomeini Great Mossalla, Tehran, Iran. So far 14 terms of this exhibition have been held in line with access to existing standards in addition to removing the previous faults and problems.

During the Fair, Winpossee with featured CCTV camera and DVR, power supply, attracted many customer come to visit. Received a high attention.

We are here,  #B115.2


Below are our highlight products during the event:

● High definition AHD CAMERA, 4 IN 1 1080P Camera




 AHD fish eye and VR(Virtual Reality) camera





 Power supply and Power box


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Winpossee Intelligent Equipment Co., LTD 


International Sales Dept

17-20th, Oct, 2016    


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